Wednesday, May 23, 2012

About Copin' With a Fly Rod

Jeff “Cope” Mahagan
As I continue to age, now well into my forties, my appreciation for life and family grows at pace that far exceeds the rate the years go by.  Memories of friends and family become more dear and the longing to be home in Colorado aches at the very core of my soul.  However, life in my new home of North Carolina is not without joy and special memories.  As a matter of fact, the friends I have gained and the adventures we have accomplished have made living in the South a wonderful experience that I will always cherish. 

Being somewhat fearful of age and the threat of losing my memories, I want to document these adventures as I live out the last half of my life.   Especially since I believe the second half of my life will be more full and precious than the first.  

My Family
I have heard the phrase “the luckiest man in the world” used somewhat laxly.  If you have met my wonderful Wife you know that I am truly that man.  I could go on and on about her but I’ll save that for future posts.  However, I will mention that without her amazing patience with my obsession for fly fishing, this blog would be very boring.

Speaking of an obsession for fly fishing, I must admit that my son Robbie has me beat.  Not only is he obsessed with the sport, he’s really getting good at it.  I expect him to surpass me in skill very quickly—although some would say that is not much of an accomplishment due to my lack of skill.
And I must apologize to my beautiful daughter Mati because this blog will mostly be filled with fishing stories.  You can go ahead and roll your eyes now.

And So It Begins

My hope is that I will fill these pages with stories and annotations that you will find entertaining.  And maybe sometime in the future we will go through the archives together and say, “I remember that day!”

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blog-o-sphere, Cope. I look forward to following along.
